00 24/02/2008 13:21
Greetings TW MP’ers

We would like to know your opinion about Retrofit, regarding Multiplayer.

Feel free to not to answer every question but just the ones you want:

1) Do you like Retrofit? If not, why don't?
2) Do you play Retrofit in Multiplayer? If not, why don't?
3) What would you like to see changed in Retrofit?
4) Which units do you think are overpowered in Retrofit (and why)?
5) Which units do you think are underpowered in Retrofit (and why)?
6) What factions do you think are overpowered in Retrofit (and why)?
7) What factions do you think are underpowered in Retrofit (and why)?
8) Which units are never used in Retrofit (and why)?
9) Which factions are never used Retrofit (and why)?
10) What factions are the most used in Retrofit (and why)?
11) What's your favourite factions in Retrofit (and why)?
12) Would you like any new feature added to Retrofit Multiplayer? Which one?
13) Is there any Grand Campaign unit that you would you like to see in Multiplayer?Which ones?
14) What, in your opinion, should be changed in Retrofit in order to be the best Multiplayer option to play M2TW?

Answering these questions will help a lot in order to know what are Community needs.

Thanks in advance, and best regards.