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CA - Reo confesso

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 02/10/2004 10:43
30/09/2004 18:06
Scheda Utente
un passetto in avanti [SM=x535693]
Non so quanti di voi leggano l'org, in questo post Gil della CA scrive:

I also know most of the bugs being reported in this forum are valid, and I'm forwarding them to the team for discussion. That's all I can do right now

So anche che molti dei bugs riportati in questo forum sono validi, e li sto inoltrando al team per discuterne. Questo è tutto ciò che posso fare ora.

Che dire, almeno una ammissione l'abbiamo avuta...adesso gli ci vorrebbe un po' di pepe al c...[SM=x535727]

[Modificato da Paolai 30/09/2004 18.07]

30/09/2004 18:20
Scheda Utente
Post: 221
Registrato il: 09/09/2004
Sesso: Maschile
Armata della Fenice
[SM=x535715] CA
inviamo tutti una bella email di protesta in inglese, che tu molto carinamente preparerai [SM=x535685] e magari andiamo negli altri forum a dire di fare lo stesso [SM=x535713]

30/09/2004 19:32
Scheda Utente
Post: 2.470
Registrato il: 31/08/2004
Sesso: Maschile

Grazie della segnalazione [SM=g27811]
Di solito ho tempo solo il fine settimana di farci un salto, spero si diano da fare presto [SM=x535711]

30/09/2004 20:19
Scheda Utente
Post: 150
Registrato il: 26/09/2004
Età: 46
Sesso: Maschile
Armata della Fenice

Scritto da: PhoinixJaval 30/09/2004 18.20
[SM=x535715] CA
inviamo tutti una bella email di protesta in inglese, che tu molto carinamente preparerai [SM=x535685] e magari andiamo negli altri forum a dire di fare lo stesso [SM=x535713]

Questa non è male come idea...

30/09/2004 20:37
Scheda Utente
Post: 1.268
Registrato il: 30/08/2004
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile

facciamoci sentire!!!!!!!
[SM=x535715] [SM=x535715]
30/09/2004 21:16
Scheda Utente
Post: 248
Registrato il: 29/08/2004
Sesso: Maschile
Armata della Fenice
Perchè non famo un bel post dove loro lo leggeranno sicuramente e lo firmiamo tutti, ma tutti !!!!!!!!!
30/09/2004 21:34
Scheda Utente
Post: 3.087
Registrato il: 03/09/2004
Età: 48
Sesso: Maschile

ottima idea, io ancora no ho il gioco ma mi fido e condivido [SM=g27811]

30/09/2004 21:44
Scheda Utente
Post: 370
Registrato il: 24/09/2004
Città: JESI
Età: 38
Sesso: Maschile
hanno gesto comunque e' ammirevole...quanti lo farebbero?[SM=g27819]

tu tu tu
30/09/2004 23:53
Scheda Utente
Post: 264
Registrato il: 24/09/2004
Età: 55
Sesso: Maschile
Ordine della LunaRossa

Scritto da: PhoinixJaval 30/09/2004 18.20
[SM=x535715] CA
inviamo tutti una bella email di protesta in inglese, che tu molto carinamente preparerai [SM=x535685] e magari andiamo negli altri forum a dire di fare lo stesso [SM=x535713]

Ottima idea![SM=x535690] .[SM=x535693] [SM=x535693]

IO ci sto!

01/10/2004 00:23
Scheda Utente
Post: 2.470
Registrato il: 31/08/2004
Sesso: Maschile

01/10/2004 12:01
Scheda Utente
Post: 92
Registrato il: 01/09/2004
Età: 41
Sesso: Maschile

Scritto da: Xenobius55 30/09/2004 21.44
hanno gesto comunque e' ammirevole...quanti lo farebbero?[SM=g27819]

nessuno... infatti e' uno dei motivi per cui case come l'interplay e' andata in bancarotta... :rotfl:

...e il cavaliere nero: "Salve Vandal, della casata delle 3V: valore, volontà, verità!"
Il paladino decaduto posò il boccale e mise la sigaretta nel posacenere di legno, e con fare strafottente disse: "No, no, ti sbagli! 3V stà per: vino, vagina, volgarità...". [La storia senza nome (per ora), D.U.]
"Quando credi che la violenza sia massima, ti sbagli... può incrementare" [M.T.]

01/10/2004 17:35
Scheda Utente
ok facciamoli a pezzi... [SM=x535715]
01/10/2004 23:18
Scheda Utente
Post: 245
Registrato il: 31/08/2004
Età: 51
Sesso: Maschile

Ecco un' altra bella listina di problemi, premetto che non ho ancora avuto tempo di leggerla ma cosi fa paura....
(Note: this list is culled from the various places on the forum people are talking about bugs and patch requests. I don't identify here who asked for what. I did add my own special pet peave, "fix command delay" but all others appear to have been noticed and asked for by all you smarties out there well before I came upon them. And, while I was shortening some comments and providing quotes for others I left unedited, I'm going to stop that.)

1. BUG: Fix bridge battles. Too many men simply wander into the water and drown. That's not real life. (This effect also occurs on any perilous edge, as in #33. I like to call it "Lemming wars!")

2. BUG: Fix groups. When you create a group, you may lose control of it, even if you don't click the AI button. If you click the AI button, you will almost certainly lose control. My understanding of the AI is that it's supposed to help you out, not ignore your orders. (Related to #8?)

3. BUG: There are occasional CTDs, though I haven't figured out what causes them. Fix these, obviously, if anyone figures out why they happen..

4. BUG: Fleets get stuck in river mouths and can never be moved again.

5. Tweak? Make the AI use his agents more, especially spies and assassins. Hardly ever hear about them (let me know if anyone has seen the AI using spies, assassins.. Note: these may work on very hard level. Perhaps they should work on hard as well.)

6. Tweak: Tighten up the mouse sensitivity on the campaign map. Trying to click a mixture of units/cities can be a pain.

7. Feature Request: Give key to highlight all your provinces in MTW...I miss that sense of feel it gave.

8. BUG: Sometimes, giving orders to some units also gives orders to units that are not selected. (ohh this one gets my goat, so to speak..)

9. Tweak: make the color of the card of selected units a better contrast with the color of the card of unselected units.

10. BUG: The AI allows reinforcing general and his bodyguard of calvary to lead the attack rather than sit back and use his command influence, resulting in general's death nearly 100% of the time.

11. Tweak: the AI doesn't sally when it *should* win.

12. Feature Request: speed slider, please. Pretty please?

13. Tweak: decrease the power of mounted units, especially heavy cavalry, and especially their charge bonus.

14. Tweak: the AI navy rarely if ever, blockades you.

15. Tweak: the AI navy has an annoying habit of making "super-fleets" that cruise around killing everything EXCEPT your lone ships blockading its own ports.

16. Tweak: Either the speed of infantry units needs to be slowed or Roman Hastati and Princepes need to throw their pila faster.

17. Tweak: The command delay seems excessive.

18. Tweak: "gate bouncing": this is where a unit has sallied from a fort and been beaten so that it retreats inside the compound/city. Once it rallies it attempts to come back out and fight again but reaches a point as it leaves the gates where it gets scared and goes back in... then recovers and comes back out, then .. (rinse repeat).

19. Tweak: Troops holding (or having retreated to) the central area of a city fail to react to being shot by ranged troops from outside the area of central plaza.

20. Tweak: The AI is totally blocked by forts positioned in narrow passes - it never attacks them and thus you can block off access routes entirely with even the smallest single unit.

21. BUG: Ship combat: Doesn't give you the correct ships sunk all the time. Shame since it said my boat survived but was really sunk with two elephant units on it. (Bug, or feature?? ie., was unit out of moves.. players swear answer is no, but I haven't seen and cannot confirm)

22. Tweak: Friendly Fire deaths seem excessive

23. Tweak: Add the option to record campaign battles.

24. Tweak: Add option to disable battle timer.

25. Feature Request: Unit/Agent Micromanagement - it's be nice to have displayed on the agent/unit/fleet lists whether a unit has moved or not or whether it has a movement path set already. It's a real pain to click through each unit on th list to see if you've given it orders yet or not.

26. Feature Request: Please add more features to the Normal/Realistic battle mode, more options for us who want to go really hardcore with the game. This includes choosing our preferred level of troop fatigue on hills, *modifying unit movement speeds*, etc.

27. Bug(?): "I withdrew a mauled army from a battle with the Gauls. Several units, including the general, made it off the battle map. When the campaign came back up, my general fell over dead and the army survivors were nowhere to be found." (Bug, or feature??)

28. BUG: Fix the issues for legions in testudo formation. Currently they'll randomly stop accepting any commands, which makes testudo effectively useless.

29. Tweak: Wardogs automatically retraining seems to lend itself to exploits.

30. Feature Request: A great idea: "Diplomacy needs a hostage system. The game is ripe for it - you already have a family tree. We all know how important governors are. So when an alliance is made, you should trade one of your faction's children for the child of the other faction. This was a VERY common method of enforcing alliances back in the day. If the alliance is broken, the kid dies. Gives you a nice incentive to keep your word." And also: "Phillip, the father of Alexander the Great, was a hostage in Thebes, learning from 2 great generals Epaminondas and Pelopidas. Thus, hostages given to great leaders could themselves learn from their mentors and become greater generals."

(Note: hostages are included as retinue, but they aren't specific about whose they are.)

31. BUG: fix units ignoring special ability or change of speed orders given when paused.

32. BUG: "The enemy (Gauls) retreated and my general got a cowardice trait." (This has happened to me too, even if the general has been fighting..)

33. BUG (or feature?): "Troops fall off stone walls way too easily. They fall off when they're deployed, they fall off when they travel, they fall off when they shift position. I've lost hundreds of soldiers before the fights even begin, because they fall off the wall." (Related to #1.)

34. BUG(?): Separate from the mouse sensitivity issue is the campaign map mouse lag issue. Mouse lag on the campaign map can be pretty severe (apparently even on some higher-end systems, and it seems, mostly or exclusively on Geforce FX cards). Oddly, mouse lag dissappears while the map is scrolling, and while the Senate tab movie is being displayed, which is what makes me think it's a bug or at least a patchable issue of some kind, rather than a simple performance issue.

35. BUG: replays are not replaying correctly (similar to an issue in prepatched MTW)

36. DISINFORMATION: It isn't a bug, but I would love to have the option to continue the campaign till the complete end. Not just 50 provinces. I want the enjoyment of seeing the entire map with my family's color. (You can continue, can't you? I wouldn't know as I've not got anywhere near the end..)

37. Tweak: Troops and diplomats(spies etc - noncoms) are blocked entirely at passes and other narrow passages on the campaign map by both occupied forts AND by stacked other noncoms: i.e. if you place a diplomat in a pass with another diplomat right behind it then this blocks all movement through that area for both armies and other noncoms (of the AI). (I assume the first noncom unit has nowhere to retreat to and thus cant move.)

38. BUG: Game will not allow me to disband mercenaries in some places.

39. BUG: "in one of my settlements, all the town guards cards when you click on the settlement show as a plain white card and turn grey when selected. Alternatively the same type of unit created in a different settlement would appear as normal. The units missing their real pictures would continue the entire game without their pictures."

40. BUG: Urban Cohorts sometimes march in a semi-testudo formation, where the soldiers have their shields as if they were in the tortoise formation, but they travel in the standard battle line formation. And they travel very slowly and get exhausted in short order. It often times takes a great deal of doing to get them to stop doing this. This is all without orders to get into that formation, and without a missile weapon in sight.

41. Feature Request: People want to be able to make their own battles with a battle editor. Wasn't there supposed to be one?

42. Tweak: Make units and cities less bribable (i.e., make it much more expensive), so as to prevent you from being able to win the campaign by bribing enemy cities and units. (Note: in my experience there are some cities and faction heirs you cannot bribe for any money, so this may already be "fixed" but its arguable that it should be harder still..)

43. Tweak: Fix it so you can move your army in formation when having multiple groups within your army...

44. Feature Request: Bring back Alt-Left Click in tactical battles so that it tags only the nearest enemy units for selection. I often need to pause just to pinpoint click enemy units rather than reselecting my own.

45. Tweak: On the battle map, could the mouseover info be a different shade of color for enemy and friendly/allied rather than just identifying the unit by name?

46. Feature Request: Help with RSI problems (doctor's orders) by allowing PgUp/PgDn to "Prev/Next" scroll separately through (1) agents (2) cities (3) armies and leaders, depending on which tab you have selected.

47. Feature Request: Again RSI: Make the scroll triangles bigger visually or at least selected if clickng only a few pixels off (since there isn't anything else in the vicinity to select anyway).

48. BUG?: Protectorate broken? "I was never able to obtain from a faction to become a protectorate, even after blocading their last port and sieging their last city, when they were clearly beaten." (Some have said offering money along with the request gets you into negotiations. May not be a bug after all.)

49. Feature Request: I LOVE the family tree, but would like more information on the characters after their deaths. Someone somewhere suggested leaving it connected to the last character card the general had before death. That would be wicked.

50. Feature Request: Similarly, I'd like more information at the site of important battles. If the enemy general was killed, for instance, I'd like to know. It'd be really cool if you could get into it like you do with your general's speeches. Have a plaque that reads something like: "Here Flavius Victor defeated Victoragoraxigot, killing him and striking a mighty blow against the Gauls." And then a mention of the numbers in the battle, numbers killed, etc. 'Twould be extra wikkid, really. And then this: "It would be *really* neat if clicking on a "famous battle" icon took you to a replay of that battle. (At the end of said battle, the program would need to have announced something like "Historians will remember the battle here for all ages." and then ask if you want to save a replay of it.)" Sure it's asking too much, but you want to make a classic game, don't you?

51. Feature Request: AND it would be sorta cool to have unit info about where the troops were raised. Even better, an indication of what historic battles they might have fought in too. That ought to give those units an extra something. Like the fame lends morale and honour or something..

52. BUG: Fix 'outrigger' bug with ships (sail will appear slightly offset from ship).

53. BUG/Tweak: Fix siege bug where you can sally out and hurry in again and the game calls it a draw (siege is lifted).

54. BUG(?): Fix situation where legionaries will attempt to throw pila, when they have in fact run out (meaning they all go through the aiming animation but throws nothing), then realize they haven't got any more, and then finally draw their swords.

55. BUG: During a battle with reinforcements, sometimes the players will play the reinfocements of a few units while the allied AI takes charge of the main army.

56. BUG: Fix the problem where occasionally saves are becoming corrupted.

57. Feature Request: add in an option to have the TOOLTIPS not appear until after a delayed mouse hover. Like say 5 seconds before they pop up.

58. Feature Request: Add the ability to tell which ships have armies on them.

59. Feature Request: Give Carthage a boost in tech or something, they are too weak to be an important opponent it seems.

60. BUG: Some times after a battle is closed out in the campaign screen I am getting double casualties. So like a unit takes a casualty of 1 in the fight. And in the battle screen this is recorded and the card looks correct. But after going to the campagin screen the card is short an additon 1 casualty for a total of 2 casualties.

61. BUG (or feature?): "I had three spies inside a Carthagenian city. I then marched an army over and besieged the city. After a few turns the Carthagenians sallied forth to fight me and I easily defeated them. I assumed that the city would now be under my control, but it wasn't. It was now occupied by a rebel force and my spies were gone. I got a message saying that one of my spies had increased a trait, but when I tried to click to open his information scroll, nothing happened. All three spies just vanished with no clues as to where they could have gone. After winning that battle the city immediately belonged to rebels. Normally when you capture a city it actually becomes yours. In this case it was if a rebellion happened inside the city as soon as the Carthagenians sallied forth, and then aliens abducted my spies. Keep in mind that everything I explained happened on the same turn."

62. BUG?: Generals leaving town already set to AI; AI will switch from what you set it to (ie, "growth") to something else.

63. Feature Request: Add a feature at the completion of the campaign that shows the border progression of every empire on the map. It could be a slide show or a little video clip or something but it would show a year by year overview of your empire expanding to it's end game size. It would be a nice reward for managing to take over all of europe.

64. Tweak/Feature Request: There needs to be an auto-sort function for the unit 'cards' on the bottom of the screen on the campaign map. Right now armies and navies look messy and you can easily overlook certain units if you're clicking through all of them and not paying close attention.

65. Tweak: Too many times I've seen faction leaders, heirs and generals of AI factions wandering about in tiny armies, getting needlessly killed or beaten back by superior forces. Considering how few and precious family members are in Rome this is completely unacceptable! AI generals should only be doing the following:

a) Governing a city
b) Leading FULL STRENGTH armies whenever possible.
c) Traveling to a large army or city where it will assume command.

And that's it! No more solo holidays around the Alps for Gaul's faction leader thank you very much!

66. Tweak: The strategic AI lacks focus. Often its armies are too scattered, small and ineffectual to have any meaningful impact, especially against human players who like to keep fewer, well stocked armies on hand. The AI will often trickle small sized armies into enemy territory which are easily defeated, needlessly ruining their war effort and constantly boosting their enemy generals' command abilities to overinflated heights. Anytime there is an enemy army about the AI should consolidate ALL its forces in the immediate area into one army, put a general in charge (if possible) and either attack or wait to be attacked.

67. Tweak: The AI does a terrible job handling its navies. The AI should only use its navies for FIVE things:

a) Blockading enemy ports. The more trade routes connected to the targeted port the better.

b) Liberating friendly/allied ports from blockade by an enemy fleet.

c) Engaging enemy fleets near friendly ports or near or en route to its blockade/liberation target (unless of course, it's transporting an army which it should then avoid contact until the troops are unloaded).

d) Transporting armies and agents.

e) Staying PUT in friendly ports in times of peace or when at war with a nation that does NOT possess a port (unless of course, there is a need to transport armies & agents around).

Anything beyond that is an utter waste of time. There should be NO willy nilly, aimless cruises around the Mediterranean like there are now. The Aegean is cluttered with small fleets in my current Julii campaign (Hard difficulty). If the AI simply concentrated on the five points I mentioned then the main sea lanes wouldn't be such a mess and the average naval battle would be far more decisive.

68. Tweak/Feature Request: Give human players the ability to issue BASIC commands to our general led reinforcement armies (i.e. Attack, Defend, Probe/Harass, Retreat) and give the highest ranking general of all the enemy AI armies COMPLETE control over all of its forces on the battlefield

69. Tweak: Marian Reforms - I like that the date which the reforms take place are random but perhaps it is too random? Countless people (myself included) have reported having them take place before 200 BC! It sort of takes the fun out of the Republican era legions if they're obsolete so early in the game. I'd really prefer it if the random chance generator for the Marian Reforms didn't kick in until 175 or 150 BC or so.

70. BUG: On page 39 of the manual it says that spies can improve order if you put them in one of your own settlements. I've tested this over and over and there is no effect.

71. Feature Request: have a button (similar to MTW) that u can press that will let u see all the controlled/rebelling cities AND all controlled units (especially on ships)... searching for your flag among dozens of ships across a vast space of water is tedious.

72. Feature Request: diplomacy button that lets u have a look at which factions are trading, which factions are waring etc... I'm playing hard/hard and all my borders are constantly being attack by 3 factions.. i'd like to have the option of allying with a faction has a common enemy. Also trade embargos and that other mischief

73. BUG(?)/Tweak: bug/feature? a general when defending a city alone does not have the option of retreating, so usually i end up losing him but when i automatically resolve the issue, he ends up escaping to my next city with some of his bodyguards.. Wouldn't it save alot of of time just to have the option of abandoning the city (like in mtw)

74. Tweak: Camera angles are awkward in forest battles.

75. Tweak: Some people object to the squalor feature being so tough. Perhaps you could add a toggle for it? (I like it as it is myself).

76. Tweak: Archer AI: when assigning archers that are behind a buildings to attack an unit in the town square will fire and have all their arrows hit buildings. It'll be nice if moved to an open area where they have an shot before shooting.

77. BUG: The key mappings for TW camera movement changes during a battle. Initially, double clicking a unit on the map moves the camera behind the unit, as it should, but at some point later it pops up a unit description window instead. I don't know what causes the change. Dbl clicking a unit card still causes the camera to move behind the unit.

78. BUG: the key mapping for tilting the camera only works sometimes. Other times the plus/minus keypad keys just move the camera forward and back.

79. BUG(?): Macedonian Royal pikemen don't have pikes - they have normal spears. I think this is a bug, as I assume they are supposed to be upgrades of the Phalanx Pikemen.

80. Tweak: Allow artilery to be placed on walls for defense, at least for balista and scorpions.

81. Tweak: have a hotkey for single units, especially general.

82. Feature Request: what about the old F1 screen?

83. Tweak: If I have trade rights with a faction, I can threaten to cancel in exchange for money. If they accept my 'offer,' I get my money, but it still cancels trade rights. Then I can use it to my advantage by offering trade rights right there on the spot for even more money. Was able to milk about 1000 denari per turn from the germans early in my hard/hard game as the Julii. Apparently the game doesn't recognize my offer to cancel as a threat, so doesn't tie it to my demand for money.

84. Bug/Typo: The Large Temple_of_Governors (for Pontus and Macedon) ony has a law bonus of 2. This is almost certainly an error, since the ordinary temple is 2, and the awesome temple is 4.

85. Feature Request/Missing Feature: I can wait up to three days for the weather to change... but I don't actually know what the weather is. How about telling me what the weather is, and maybe even what effect it will have on the battle (you know, that kind of information will probably be appreciated by new players...)

86. BUG: The ability to save screenshots as stated in the manual does not work properly, if at all. (Is this confirmed by others?)

87. BUG: The gauls bought off one of my family members. I sent over a diplomat to buy him back. When this happened, he was adopted by a different branch of the family, and thereafter he and all of his children show up twice in my family tree.

88. Tweak: An autoname for savegames giving the time, date and faction (as it is now in MTW).

89. Tweak: It is possible to bribe Roman armies without causing war. You bribe every single city (except rome), and since armies are roman, they become the players and occupy the town. The senate will give missions to give back the town to the original faction, but without a negative outcome if not obeyed. Invading a town in this way should be a declaration of war by the other faction, but war seems only to be declared when you ATTACK another army, blocade a port or siege a city.

90. BUG: When attempting to cross a bridge, troops in formation stop halfway across and start running backwards to reform off the bridge and then forwards to the fight again, then back etc etc.

91. Feature Request: controls to make it a little easier to make sure all of your guys have moved each turn.

92. BUG: chariot archers- they don't shoot on the move to the side or back only shoot in front unless in the cantabrin circle. they should be able to shoot back and in front because the unit description says they can and the unit card indicates they are shooting "bow and arrow icon" but they are not physically doing it

93. BUG: sometimes, when inside the city, Velites will not throw their javelins until an enemy actually strikes them. RELATED? "I had my attacking principes on top of the wall, the Numidian general's unit was below on the street. Ordered principes to javelin them (the javelin w/ the little green arrow showed up and everything), but they would not until I enabled fire at will mode." (My Velites were already in "fire at will" mode. Tried getting them out of it and clicking the enemy again, but that didn't make them throw.)

94. BUG: On the pre-battle scroll where the particpating armies and their reinforcements are listed you can left-click on any general's portrait and move it around anywhere on the scroll as if it was a unit card.

95. Tweak: "When I try to disband my own units, not mercenaries, I get the message that I need to be in the region from which they were raised before I can disband them. This is why I would like to see, somewhere on the unit card, where the unit is from. You know, IX Legio Hispania, and IV Legio Germania kinda thing?"


01/10/2004 23:42
Scheda Utente
Post: 1.268
Registrato il: 30/08/2004
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile

questi riguardano anche il single!!!
ma con un motore così era impossibile non uscissero bug, c'era da metterlo in conto... nessun gioco strategico raggiunge sti livelli di grafica! [SM=x535691]
02/10/2004 00:29
Scheda Utente
Post: 3.087
Registrato il: 03/09/2004
Età: 48
Sesso: Maschile

Sì però ragazzi andiamoci anche noi cauti, mi ricordo che quando uscì Shogun il forum dell'org era pieno di gente che lamentava bug ben peggiori, a moltissimi il gioco manco partiva, ricordo che era una cosa impressionante, ero quasi dubbioso se acquistare o meno il gioco,; quando poi l'ho feci (THANK GOD) pur giocandoci "alla disperata" un numero pauroso di ore al giorno non riscontrai che il 5-10% dei problemi rilevati dall'ORg.

Ora non voglio certo dire che si inventino le cose, ma è chiaro che chiunque legga quella paurosa lista di 95 bugs non potrebbe che pensare: "Dio mio, ma questo è il gioco più buggato della storia" e magari si va a comprare Pax Romana che invece è buggato gravemente sul serio [SM=g27828]

Non voglio fare l'avvocato del diavolo, anzi ben vengano proteste e petizioni alle quali parteciperò, ma mi pare che gli stessi Riki e Virus alla fine , almeno per il single-player, si stiano divertendo, e aspetto ancora il giudizio di Cili e Vinsi [SM=g27823]

[Modificato da LunaRossaTraiano 02/10/2004 0.30]

02/10/2004 07:33
Scheda Utente
Post: 116
Registrato il: 24/09/2004
Età: 33
Sesso: Maschile
DOCMATTE tu si ke sai come rovinarmi la giornata[SM=x535699] [SM=x535699] [SM=x535699]
02/10/2004 10:07
Scheda Utente
Post: 718
Registrato il: 09/09/2004
Sesso: Maschile
Si io sono d'accordo con traiano,oltretutto cominciando a leggere la lista ci sono cose del tipo:

80. Tweak: Allow artilery to be placed on walls for defense, at least for balista and scorpions.

Cioè vuole portare l'artiglieria sulle mura?I cannoni non esistevano ancora!L'artiglieria era ingombrante e pesante,oltretutto spesso le mura erano di legno.

88. Tweak: An autoname for savegames giving the time, date and faction (as it is now in MTW).

Non mi risulta che in Viking Invasion l'autosave abbia queste cose,solo la data e l'ora,com'è adesso.

90. BUG: When attempting to cross a bridge, troops in formation stop halfway across and start running backwards to reform off the bridge and then forwards to the fight again, then back etc etc.

Non l'ho riscontrato

91. Feature Request: controls to make it a little easier to make sure all of your guys have moved each turn.

Basta cliccare sulle unità per sapere se hanno altro spazio di movimento.

79. BUG(?): Macedonian Royal pikemen don't have pikes - they have normal spears. I think this is a bug, as I assume they are supposed to be upgrades of the Phalanx Pikemen.

Le picche sono comparse solo nel medioevo.

77. BUG: The key mappings for TW camera movement changes during a battle. Initially, double clicking a unit on the map moves the camera behind the unit, as it should, but at some point later it pops up a unit description window instead. I don't know what causes the change. Dbl clicking a unit card still causes the camera to move behind the unit.

Non l'ho riscontrato sul mio pc,ma su un Rome installato su un altro pc c'era un difetto simile.

61. BUG (or feature?): "I had three spies inside a Carthagenian city. I then marched an army over and besieged the city. After a few turns the Carthagenians sallied forth to fight me and I easily defeated them. I assumed that the city would now be under my control, but it wasn't. It was now occupied by a rebel force and my spies were gone. I got a message saying that one of my spies had increased a trait, but when I tried to click to open his information scroll, nothing happened. All three spies just vanished with no clues as to where they could have gone. After winning that battle the city immediately belonged to rebels. Normally when you capture a city it actually becomes yours. In this case it was if a rebellion happened inside the city as soon as the Carthagenians sallied forth, and then aliens abducted my spies. Keep in mind that everything I explained happened on the same turn."

Non è un bug,i cartaginesi residui della battaglia sono diventati ribelli (come succedeva in MTW quando un regno si sfaldava).

56. BUG: Fix the problem where occasionally saves are becoming corrupted.

Questo è un problema di Hard Disk.

Uff vabbè la lista è lunga,cmq più che difetti mi sembra che la maggior parte siano suggerimenti di migliorie.Fermo restando che alcuni bug sono incontestabili e fastidiosi e speriamo li risolvano.
02/10/2004 10:43
Scheda Utente
Post: 2.470
Registrato il: 31/08/2004
Sesso: Maschile

Bene [SM=g27811]

Tirando le somme, come avevamo percepito all'inizio, la parte più malconcia è il multy [SM=g27819] mentre i prob generali più gravi potrebbero essere la veloità della fanteria, i controlli per disporre le unità durante la bataglia (prima di iniziare invece funzionano molto bene) e le unità che non seguono gli ordini.

Spero che si mettano al lavoro soprattutto per queste.

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