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TOTAL WAR ITALIA Il forum sul multiplay di Total War in Italia

rendere l'inizio della campagna imperiale + equilibrato

  • Messaggi
    Post: 39
    Registrato il: 15/11/2004
    Città: SIENA
    Età: 47
    Sesso: Maschile
    Servo della gleba
    00 06/01/2005 13:40
    diverso tempo fa avevo trovato un post che modificando dei parametri rendeva l'inizio dellla campagna imperiale + equilibrato, mi spiego, erano state aggiunte delle unita ai greci a siracusa e ai galli nel nord italia,siccome sono stato costretto a disinstallare il gioco,vorrei ritrovare queste modifiche x rendere il gioco + duro.

    Si accettano altri suggerimenti

    LunaRossa Vinsitor
    Post: 2.470
    Registrato il: 31/08/2004
    Sesso: Maschile

    00 06/01/2005 14:38
    Era in questo forum?

    Se sì dovrebbe essere in questa sezione, prova a spulciare [SM=x535703]
  • Riczu74
    00 07/01/2005 00:28
    A me piace molto il SPQR mod che puoi trovare nel TW center...attualmente alla versione 6.1.Oltre a migliorare la cartina inserendo molte nuove citta´ha cambiato le condizioni iniziali.Ad esempio i Germani sono alleati coi Galli,i Greci coi Macedoni ecc.Questo rende piu´difficile ai Romani espandersi a macchia d´olio gia´all´inizio del gioco.Inoltre trovo molto riuscito il bilanciamento delle unita´: i barbari hanno adesso gruppi che vanno dai 160 alle 240 unita´e attaccano spesso in formazione orda; i Romani invece variano a seconda delle unita´.Ad esempio astati 122,principi 102,triarii 82 e cosi´via.Bello inoltre la possibilita´di poter reclutare fino a nove unita´lo stesso turno.Trovavo infatti piuttosto irrealistico il fatto di dover impiegare due turni o piu´per addestrare una coorte.[SM=g27811]
    Post: 39
    Registrato il: 15/11/2004
    Città: SIENA
    Età: 47
    Sesso: Maschile
    Servo della gleba
    00 07/01/2005 00:45
    ma e' in inglese? oppure mi rimane il gioco come e',quali modifica crea tipo cambiamento di lingua ecc...
  • Riczu74
    00 07/01/2005 11:00

    La base del gioco e´sempre in inglese a prescindere dalla versione che stai utilizzando ES.tedesca,francese,italiana...
    Per riconvertire pero´i files di testo in italiano basta sostituire
    i files che si trovano nella cartella di RomeTotalWar/Data/text con quelli della versione originaria (meglio sempre fare una copia dell´originale prima).I files da riconvertire sono:


    Buon divertimento[SM=x535717]
    Post: 39
    Registrato il: 15/11/2004
    Città: SIENA
    Età: 47
    Sesso: Maschile
    Servo della gleba
    00 07/01/2005 14:37
    scusami se ti rompo,ma sono un po imbranato
    Ho trovato in TWcenter i file SPQR6 e SPQR6.1 update,devo installare prima uno e poi l'altro o posso installare subito l'SPQR 6.1 update?
    Mi potersti spiegare come installare il mod xche',ho provato a installare la versione base, ma quando vado a combattere una battaglia mi ritorna alla pagina iniziale di windows,penso di sbagliare qualcosa,ma no so che
  • Riczu74
    00 07/01/2005 16:03

    Non mi rompi non ti preoccupare. [SM=x535708] scherzo!![SM=x535718]
    Si devi inatalare prima la versione 6(15Mb) e poi l´aggiornamento o 6.1(42Kb).Per quanto riguarda il problema che mi hai descritto molto probabilmente si tratta di un errore nel caricamento delle texture.Apri a tal fine il file "descr_model_battle.txt" nella cartella "Data" di Rome total War e controlla che il percorso dei file delle texture sia corretto.A tal fine devi controllare che i file corrispondano a quelli della cartella "textures" in "models_unit".Ad esempio:

    type roman_hastati
    skeleton fs_javelinman, fs_swordsman
    indiv_range 40
    texture romans_julii, data/models_unit/textures/UNIT_CESARAE_HASTATI_JULII.TGA

    Se non riesci a trovare l´errore ti conviene provare a fare delle battagie singole e vedere con quali unita´ti salta il gioco e quando la trovi sostituisci il file con un altro(magari l´originale)ricordandoti pero´di specificarne anche la positione nel "descr_model_battle.txt".
    Anche a me aveva dato qualche problemino iniziale ma adesso funziona perfettamente.Ciao e buona fortuna[SM=x535692]

    Ps.per ogni altro problema non esitare a scrivere.Sono felice di aiutare quando posso.
    Post: 39
    Registrato il: 15/11/2004
    Città: SIENA
    Età: 47
    Sesso: Maschile
    Servo della gleba
    00 07/01/2005 16:29
    le dimensioni della MIA versione 6 e' di solo 5mb e la solita che dici te o ho scaricato un altra verione?
  • Riczu74
    00 07/01/2005 17:45

    No purtroppo devi scaricare quella da 15 Mb e qui e´il sito:
  • Riczu74
    00 07/01/2005 17:51

    Mentre questo e´il sito per l´add-on:

    Ciao ed alla prossima.

    [Modificato da Riczu74 07/01/2005 17.52]

    Post: 103
    Registrato il: 08/11/2004
    Città: PARMA
    Età: 47
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 08/01/2005 02:55

    Scritto da: guidoriccio 07/01/2005 14.37
    scusami se ti rompo,ma sono un po imbranato
    Ho trovato in TWcenter i file SPQR6 e SPQR6.1 update,devo installare prima uno e poi l'altro o posso installare subito l'SPQR 6.1 update?
    Mi potersti spiegare come installare il mod xche',ho provato a installare la versione base, ma quando vado a combattere una battaglia mi ritorna alla pagina iniziale di windows,penso di sbagliare qualcosa,ma no so che

    Non stupirti se quando scarichi modifiche per giochi ti si pianta il gioco,questo è dovuto nella maggior parte dei casi a pochi test,non dico che sia il caso di questo mod ma una modifica fatta bene non crea problemi a nessuno...
    Io ho apportato modifiche al gioco,e sono già alla seconda campagna di test,se tutto funzionerà sempre bene allora forse la pubblicherò.


    LunaRossa Vinsitor
    Post: 2.470
    Registrato il: 31/08/2004
    Sesso: Maschile

    00 09/01/2005 11:59
    Ue e non ci fai sapere niente? [SM=x535714] Di che si tratta?
    Post: 103
    Registrato il: 08/11/2004
    Città: PARMA
    Età: 47
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 09/01/2005 12:53

    Scritto da: LunaRossa Vinsitor 09/01/2005 11.59
    Ue e non ci fai sapere niente? [SM=x535714] Di che si tratta?

    Hai chiesto a mè di che si tratta? perchè sinceramente non lo sò[SM=x535684]
  • Riczu74
    00 09/01/2005 19:22

    Semplicemente si tratta di uno dei tanti mod per Rome total war che si possono scaricare dal TW center.Io per quanto mi riguarda sono mesi che continuo ad implementare mod per rendere Rome piu´equilibrato e bello da giocare.Forse racchiudero´prima o poi tutte le modifiche in una mod italiana...e´solo che il tempo a disposizione e´poco e la mole di lavoro si moltiplica in modo esponenziale.

    Sarebbe bello se almeno ci fosse qualche volenteroso pronto a tradurre i testi dall´inglese in italiano.[SM=x535723]
    LunaRossa Vinsitor
    Post: 2.470
    Registrato il: 31/08/2004
    Sesso: Maschile

    00 09/01/2005 20:03
    Re: Re:

    Scritto da: DOGOPARMA 09/01/2005 12.53

    Hai chiesto a mè di che si tratta? perchè sinceramente non lo sò[SM=x535684]

    Scusa la stai testando, la vuoi pubblicare, ma non sai cos'è? [SM=x535702]
    Scherzo ma da tutto questo discorso non ci ho capito granchè [SM=x535682]
  • Riczu74
    00 09/01/2005 21:35

    non ci trovo nulla da[SM=x535714][SM=x535677]ridere.Ma forse non e´colpa vostra se non capite l´italiano o se non ci arrivate perche´state[SM=x535689],ma allora che ci fate in un forum come questo?

    Per quanto riguarda la tua domanda di prima spero che ci capiremo una volta per tutte.1)Non sto testando questo mod,lo sto´gia´giocando in quanto l´ho scaricato piu´di un mese fa dal TW center.2)Non l´ho creato io ma questo tizio lt1956.
    Io mi sono limitato a cambiare cio´che non mi piaceva esempio textures,costo e valori delle unita´,aggressivita delle fazioni guidate dal AI,condizioni iniziali della campagna tipo (eredi,soldi,posizione,alleanze,ecc.)+implementazione di altri mod es. anche i barbari possono costruire difese in muratura.3)Non ho intenzione di pubblicare le modifiche che ho applicato a questa mod,in quanto le ho adattate per la vesione tedesca del gioco (quella che gioco) e per tradurla mi manca il tempo.In questo forum mi sono limitato a segnalare il sito inglese da cui l´ho scaricata,in modo che anche altri la possano provare.Queste sono le modifiche che l´SPQR mod inglese porta al gioco:

    Here is the Update for both the Larger Download and Small downloads of SPQR. This will updae the files to be version 6.1 which will add a whole bunch of features and tweaks.

    For those who downloaded the update files previously don't worry these files will overwrite those also. Just make sure you download the Right update for your mod. Dont download the Small update for the large download and vice versa.

    Here is what the readme will look like afterwards.

    NOTE: Please make sure you play Prolog first before adding the mod, or game will crash. Mod is designed to be installed on a clean install of RTW. Also historical battles “MAY” not be able to be played with this mod. Some people reported having trouble.

    1. Trivium Mod files added to this mod.
    2. Lesser General Now rides with Cavalry instead of Centurion
    3. Centurion Added to Cohorts
    4. Macoi’s Shield Mod added to this Mod. +2 Small, +3 Medium, +4 Large Shields. This also has the effect of making cavalry less powerful, which is more accurate, Cavalry not changed.
    5. Building Times adjusted so certain buildings are built in a realistic amount of time, quicker.
    6. End date for the Game is now 180AD instead of 14AD
    7. Imperial Campaign still available with this Mod.
    8. ALL nations playable have been added to this mod.
    9. All units have no wait time, you can now build as many as you can afford in a turn, 9 units per city. This is more realistic since Each turn represents 6 Months. This doesn’t affect the AI except for larger armies. It has no adverse effect on draining AI populations, Populations still climb.
    10. All Units have had their Upkeep cost Halved. Ships, special units excluded this was done because it was increasingly hard to maintain decent armies in the field, you may have the money to build them, but couldn’t afford the upkeep. This does not effect the game except to allow you and the AI larger armies, They AI also tends to be more aggressive now with this adjustment.
    11. Reduced Pigs, and Dogs to 24 men and 48 Animals on Huge Setting.
    12. Siege Engineers have been set to 60 men on Huge Settings for all siege weapons.
    13. Spartans Morale increased to reflect never retreat, never surrender. Lol
    14. Head Hurlers have had their heads lowered to 1 hit point, and have Frighten foot, mounted added. Also increased Attack points.
    15. Gave all Spearmen Spear attribute to give bonus against cavalry charge, also Triarii have Phalanx now. This makes cavalry charges on Spearmen Suicide. And now Spearmen are useful cavalry counters.
    16. Removed Arcani, Druids, and Screaching Women from Campaign game, still available in Custom games.
    17. Certain Barbarian Units have had their Armour Lowered or removed because they are not wearing any. But this doesn’t make them easier to kill, other factors in attack may have been adjusted.
    18. Increased Number of Arrows for Archers to 60, 80 for slingers. This works since archers aren’t as powerful with the shield mod.
    19. Increased Ammunition for Siege Weapons.
    20. Made Assassins more effective to start with, this allows them to be more useful than originally.
    21. Fixed Egyptian axemen, lowered their stats to make them more balanced.
    22. Rams have been given increased Health and Flame resistance, this allows you to make it to the door. Lol
    23. AI has been tweaked to correctly use Hardy. Game was bugged and it was reversed. Wrong units tired.
    24. Flame Arrows have been adjusted to prevent Lag when used, less effects in the air. Sorry, But no Lag!
    25. Shipbuilding Times have been increased to prevent the AI from Building too many fleets.
    26. Urban Cohorts are now an upgrade for Town watch, they have been reduced, but are very strong. This is realistic since Urban cohorts were police and were never used in the field. Build a Royal Barracks and the Town watch is replaced by Urban Cohorts. J 160men Huge setting.
    27. Praetorian Cavalry and Cohort are now available to Senate only. This is realistic and makes Rome harder to Take Later on.
    28. Adjusted the Campaign AI each nation has been changed in how they treat you, improves gameplay. AI nations last longer and allows human player to conquer different cultures.
    29. Carthage, Cities_States, Germans, Britons, and Gauls have been given more provinces that were Rebel.
    30. Forts and watchtowers are Cheaper for Romans cost 50D this reflects Legions building camps every night, and their engineering ability to use the local materials.
    31. Roman Cohorts 100 men, Archers 120 men , Velite & Javelin 140men, cavalry 80 men per unit. Body Guards 24. Barbarian Units increased in number Peasants Warband 240 men, Swords, Axes, naked fanatics 160 men etc., Barbarian Cavalry 100 men. Greek Units increased in Number Lower units increased to 200, Medium 140 Elite 100 Cav 100 men. Egyptians same thing as well as Eastern units. Lower quality units are higher in number to reflect their cheap sacrifice factor.
    32. Elephants added to Egypt, if they now own a province with that resource, they could build them.
    33. Elephants and Chariot unit size were reduced to reflect the new unit adjustments.
    34. Adjusted Happiness levels for certain buildings, this resolves Squalor problems.
    35. Changed Bodyguard to Praetorian for Romans, and Changed bodyguard for other nations to better units!
    36. Added Heat changes so units correctly get tired from heat, its was reversed, I finally added that. This is separate from the hardy bug.
    37. Added Experience chevrons to Taverns, Royal Barracks, and Academies. Building these gives more experience to troops.
    38. Triarii Can now be built when Principes can be built. Triarii before were never used because Marius reforms arriving to soon.
    39. Added Centurions to Siege weapons, and added standards or Officers to other nations units. Removed Centurions from Roman light units.
    40. Adjusted Ship hit points to allow ships to sink more often. Less armor points, greater attack points. Increased Mental stats.
    41. Adjusted Mental stats for all units, increased at different levels for different units, this allows them not to rout as quick, mind though that this is a small adjustment, so do not expect suicide units. Adjusted just enough to get more kills before routs. Routs are necessary since that is how MOST casualties were received in ancient times.
    42. Gave siege units more siege weapons, Scorpions 6, Ballista’s 4.
    43. Reduce the Number of Large Elephants Max number is now 12, instead of 24
    44. Law Bonus added to Governor, Pro consul and imperial Palaces. 1, 2, 3
    45. Urban, great amphitheatre added Unit experience bonus 1 and 2
    46. Happiness bonus added to Hippodrome, etc. 1,1,2
    47. Removed Missile unit attack bonuses on buildings.
    48. Removed Armour Bonuses, this is Unrealistic to get super armor. All bonus now relate to attack, or training.
    49. Added Linedog’s Extra Provinces something like 50 more!
    50. Reduced Wardog’s attack ratings to 8 instead of 14, also adjust the numbers to 48 animals, 24 handlers.
    51. You can build 1st Legion Cohorts, its been in all my versions, just never mentioned. Lol
    52. Adjusted Chariots they are effective against infantry and will charge without stop go stop go. Cavalry is used to counter Chariots, Elephants, camels, or other chariots also work.
    53. Praetorian Guard and Cavalry are available to Senate at start of game.
    54. Upgrade in barracks will replace Early Cohorts with Later cohorts. Makes sense and doesn’t clutter the build queue.
    55. Barbarian units have been given regular square formation, but now have wider loose formation to start, this is more controllable for siege walls and also allows the AI to react better than in Horde formation.
    56. Phalanx units have been tightened up and now have less side spacing between them, more realistic and accurate.
    57. Carthage early units have been adjusted to make them stronger.
    58. Carthage has been given a full army in Sicily
    59. Civilized Nations have been given better garrisons to match Rome and now allows a little bit more of a challenge to start.
    60. Changed AI campaign relationships. Germany, Gaul, Greeks, Macedon, and Carthage are at WAR with Rome. So nations have peace relationships. This makes for a very interesting game and AI on the Roman side.
    61. Changed Germans to have Double hand Axemen with Bardic Circle. AI wasn’t utilizing the Temple scheme well.
    62. Removed Militia Hoplites from Macedon & Seleucid, reason they already have Levy Pikemen and the stats are almost the same. This allows a different unit look in beginning of game instead of all units using same units. Anyway it seemed redundant to have 2 units almost exactly the same. Greeks seemed to have better units faster due to this.
    63. Strengthened Pilum stats making them more effective, especially since they usually only get 1 throw. Now they disrupt units better.
    64. Body guards beefed up a little but not too over powered, hopefully the patch will fix the bodyguard bug.
    65. Raised Army upkeep buy a small %, this is to compensate for the extra provinces.
    66. Adjusted Hastatii to be a little more weaker than Principes. Hastatii was too close to Principes. Also returned to 100 men.
    67. Removed Legion Cavalry from being built in Campaign. This helps realistically simulate Roman cavalry, Legion Cavalry didn’t exist, auxillia was used. This is a good way to nerf cavalry.
    68. Added Stanger’s map change, which removed outlines on Quick view map. This allows a better view of provinces owned by which faction.
    69. Increased Cost of certain buildings: Palaces, Entertainment, Mines, Roads, walls, docks, have been increased to balance money concerns with the extra provinces.
    70. Added 1 Experience to army barracks, 2 for Imperial barracks. Foundry is left alone since some other buildings don’t really upgrade some faction only others. So the Middle foundry is needed to build the next one, but no bonuses until the last building.
    71. Added Mount Changes to chariots to increase Strength after Darth’s adjustments.
    72. Added Darth’s tweaks to attack speeds, Units will now attack faster and more realistic. Hit effectiveness reduce to make sure battles don’t end too early because of Increase attacks.
    73. Adjusted Build time of Imperial Palace to 20 turns, and added Great forum needed to built first. This should slow the Marius reforms by Many years. Though people may wish it to come sooner, for the better units. Lol

    5)Sto pensando di raggruppare tutti i mod scaricati da internet da me provati,cambiati e implementati nel gioco,in una mod italiana;ma prima di farlo voglio attendere l´uscita dell´europa barbarorum mod (,in modo da poter vedere quanto di buono c´e´anche in questo.Inoltre mi manca la base della versione italiana...voglio dire codici,files sonori,text,ecc. Ma forse a questo potra´provvedere uno di voi a suo tempo.Vedremo...[SM=g27818]

    Spero che finalmente abbiate afferrato e di essere stato abbastanza chiaro[SM=g27812][SM=x535713]

    In ogni caso ciao a[SM=x535718]tutti
    LunaRossa Vinsitor
    Post: 2.470
    Registrato il: 31/08/2004
    Sesso: Maschile

    00 09/01/2005 22:09
    Il forum lo abbiamo fatto per dare consigli su quello che sappiamo del gioco, ma soprattutto per far incontrare e farne parlare la gente interessata, come adesso. [SM=x535684]
    Sulla sezione MOD c'è Dogoparma che ne sa sicuramente più di me e infatti è il moderatore della sezione, prenditela con lui [SM=x535691]

    Nel post precedete mi riferivo alla frase di Dogoparma: "Io ho apportato modifiche al gioco,e sono già alla seconda campagna di test,se tutto funzionerà sempre bene allora forse la pubblicherò"

    Per il resto ho già segnalato la MOD nel post in evidenza in questa sezione, ciao! [SM=x535718]

    [Modificato da LunaRossa Vinsitor 09/01/2005 22.13]

    Post: 103
    Registrato il: 08/11/2004
    Città: PARMA
    Età: 47
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 10/01/2005 11:48

    Scritto da: Riczu74 09/01/2005 21.35

    non ci trovo nulla da[SM=x535714][SM=x535677]ridere.Ma forse non e´colpa vostra se non capite l´italiano o se non ci arrivate perche´state[SM=x535689],ma allora che ci fate in un forum come questo?

    Per quanto riguarda la tua domanda di prima spero che ci capiremo una volta per tutte.1)Non sto testando questo mod,lo sto´gia´giocando in quanto l´ho scaricato piu´di un mese fa dal TW center.2)Non l´ho creato io ma questo tizio lt1956.
    Io mi sono limitato a cambiare cio´che non mi piaceva esempio textures,costo e valori delle unita´,aggressivita delle fazioni guidate dal AI,condizioni iniziali della campagna tipo (eredi,soldi,posizione,alleanze,ecc.)+implementazione di altri mod es. anche i barbari possono costruire difese in muratura.3)Non ho intenzione di pubblicare le modifiche che ho applicato a questa mod,in quanto le ho adattate per la vesione tedesca del gioco (quella che gioco) e per tradurla mi manca il tempo.In questo forum mi sono limitato a segnalare il sito inglese da cui l´ho scaricata,in modo che anche altri la possano provare.Queste sono le modifiche che l´SPQR mod inglese porta al gioco:

    Here is the Update for both the Larger Download and Small downloads of SPQR. This will updae the files to be version 6.1 which will add a whole bunch of features and tweaks.

    For those who downloaded the update files previously don't worry these files will overwrite those also. Just make sure you download the Right update for your mod. Dont download the Small update for the large download and vice versa.

    Here is what the readme will look like afterwards.

    NOTE: Please make sure you play Prolog first before adding the mod, or game will crash. Mod is designed to be installed on a clean install of RTW. Also historical battles “MAY” not be able to be played with this mod. Some people reported having trouble.

    1. Trivium Mod files added to this mod.
    2. Lesser General Now rides with Cavalry instead of Centurion
    3. Centurion Added to Cohorts
    4. Macoi’s Shield Mod added to this Mod. +2 Small, +3 Medium, +4 Large Shields. This also has the effect of making cavalry less powerful, which is more accurate, Cavalry not changed.
    5. Building Times adjusted so certain buildings are built in a realistic amount of time, quicker.
    6. End date for the Game is now 180AD instead of 14AD
    7. Imperial Campaign still available with this Mod.
    8. ALL nations playable have been added to this mod.
    9. All units have no wait time, you can now build as many as you can afford in a turn, 9 units per city. This is more realistic since Each turn represents 6 Months. This doesn’t affect the AI except for larger armies. It has no adverse effect on draining AI populations, Populations still climb.
    10. All Units have had their Upkeep cost Halved. Ships, special units excluded this was done because it was increasingly hard to maintain decent armies in the field, you may have the money to build them, but couldn’t afford the upkeep. This does not effect the game except to allow you and the AI larger armies, They AI also tends to be more aggressive now with this adjustment.
    11. Reduced Pigs, and Dogs to 24 men and 48 Animals on Huge Setting.
    12. Siege Engineers have been set to 60 men on Huge Settings for all siege weapons.
    13. Spartans Morale increased to reflect never retreat, never surrender. Lol
    14. Head Hurlers have had their heads lowered to 1 hit point, and have Frighten foot, mounted added. Also increased Attack points.
    15. Gave all Spearmen Spear attribute to give bonus against cavalry charge, also Triarii have Phalanx now. This makes cavalry charges on Spearmen Suicide. And now Spearmen are useful cavalry counters.
    16. Removed Arcani, Druids, and Screaching Women from Campaign game, still available in Custom games.
    17. Certain Barbarian Units have had their Armour Lowered or removed because they are not wearing any. But this doesn’t make them easier to kill, other factors in attack may have been adjusted.
    18. Increased Number of Arrows for Archers to 60, 80 for slingers. This works since archers aren’t as powerful with the shield mod.
    19. Increased Ammunition for Siege Weapons.
    20. Made Assassins more effective to start with, this allows them to be more useful than originally.
    21. Fixed Egyptian axemen, lowered their stats to make them more balanced.
    22. Rams have been given increased Health and Flame resistance, this allows you to make it to the door. Lol
    23. AI has been tweaked to correctly use Hardy. Game was bugged and it was reversed. Wrong units tired.
    24. Flame Arrows have been adjusted to prevent Lag when used, less effects in the air. Sorry, But no Lag!
    25. Shipbuilding Times have been increased to prevent the AI from Building too many fleets.
    26. Urban Cohorts are now an upgrade for Town watch, they have been reduced, but are very strong. This is realistic since Urban cohorts were police and were never used in the field. Build a Royal Barracks and the Town watch is replaced by Urban Cohorts. J 160men Huge setting.
    27. Praetorian Cavalry and Cohort are now available to Senate only. This is realistic and makes Rome harder to Take Later on.
    28. Adjusted the Campaign AI each nation has been changed in how they treat you, improves gameplay. AI nations last longer and allows human player to conquer different cultures.
    29. Carthage, Cities_States, Germans, Britons, and Gauls have been given more provinces that were Rebel.
    30. Forts and watchtowers are Cheaper for Romans cost 50D this reflects Legions building camps every night, and their engineering ability to use the local materials.
    31. Roman Cohorts 100 men, Archers 120 men , Velite & Javelin 140men, cavalry 80 men per unit. Body Guards 24. Barbarian Units increased in number Peasants Warband 240 men, Swords, Axes, naked fanatics 160 men etc., Barbarian Cavalry 100 men. Greek Units increased in Number Lower units increased to 200, Medium 140 Elite 100 Cav 100 men. Egyptians same thing as well as Eastern units. Lower quality units are higher in number to reflect their cheap sacrifice factor.
    32. Elephants added to Egypt, if they now own a province with that resource, they could build them.
    33. Elephants and Chariot unit size were reduced to reflect the new unit adjustments.
    34. Adjusted Happiness levels for certain buildings, this resolves Squalor problems.
    35. Changed Bodyguard to Praetorian for Romans, and Changed bodyguard for other nations to better units!
    36. Added Heat changes so units correctly get tired from heat, its was reversed, I finally added that. This is separate from the hardy bug.
    37. Added Experience chevrons to Taverns, Royal Barracks, and Academies. Building these gives more experience to troops.
    38. Triarii Can now be built when Principes can be built. Triarii before were never used because Marius reforms arriving to soon.
    39. Added Centurions to Siege weapons, and added standards or Officers to other nations units. Removed Centurions from Roman light units.
    40. Adjusted Ship hit points to allow ships to sink more often. Less armor points, greater attack points. Increased Mental stats.
    41. Adjusted Mental stats for all units, increased at different levels for different units, this allows them not to rout as quick, mind though that this is a small adjustment, so do not expect suicide units. Adjusted just enough to get more kills before routs. Routs are necessary since that is how MOST casualties were received in ancient times.
    42. Gave siege units more siege weapons, Scorpions 6, Ballista’s 4.
    43. Reduce the Number of Large Elephants Max number is now 12, instead of 24
    44. Law Bonus added to Governor, Pro consul and imperial Palaces. 1, 2, 3
    45. Urban, great amphitheatre added Unit experience bonus 1 and 2
    46. Happiness bonus added to Hippodrome, etc. 1,1,2
    47. Removed Missile unit attack bonuses on buildings.
    48. Removed Armour Bonuses, this is Unrealistic to get super armor. All bonus now relate to attack, or training.
    49. Added Linedog’s Extra Provinces something like 50 more!
    50. Reduced Wardog’s attack ratings to 8 instead of 14, also adjust the numbers to 48 animals, 24 handlers.
    51. You can build 1st Legion Cohorts, its been in all my versions, just never mentioned. Lol
    52. Adjusted Chariots they are effective against infantry and will charge without stop go stop go. Cavalry is used to counter Chariots, Elephants, camels, or other chariots also work.
    53. Praetorian Guard and Cavalry are available to Senate at start of game.
    54. Upgrade in barracks will replace Early Cohorts with Later cohorts. Makes sense and doesn’t clutter the build queue.
    55. Barbarian units have been given regular square formation, but now have wider loose formation to start, this is more controllable for siege walls and also allows the AI to react better than in Horde formation.
    56. Phalanx units have been tightened up and now have less side spacing between them, more realistic and accurate.
    57. Carthage early units have been adjusted to make them stronger.
    58. Carthage has been given a full army in Sicily
    59. Civilized Nations have been given better garrisons to match Rome and now allows a little bit more of a challenge to start.
    60. Changed AI campaign relationships. Germany, Gaul, Greeks, Macedon, and Carthage are at WAR with Rome. So nations have peace relationships. This makes for a very interesting game and AI on the Roman side.
    61. Changed Germans to have Double hand Axemen with Bardic Circle. AI wasn’t utilizing the Temple scheme well.
    62. Removed Militia Hoplites from Macedon & Seleucid, reason they already have Levy Pikemen and the stats are almost the same. This allows a different unit look in beginning of game instead of all units using same units. Anyway it seemed redundant to have 2 units almost exactly the same. Greeks seemed to have better units faster due to this.
    63. Strengthened Pilum stats making them more effective, especially since they usually only get 1 throw. Now they disrupt units better.
    64. Body guards beefed up a little but not too over powered, hopefully the patch will fix the bodyguard bug.
    65. Raised Army upkeep buy a small %, this is to compensate for the extra provinces.
    66. Adjusted Hastatii to be a little more weaker than Principes. Hastatii was too close to Principes. Also returned to 100 men.
    67. Removed Legion Cavalry from being built in Campaign. This helps realistically simulate Roman cavalry, Legion Cavalry didn’t exist, auxillia was used. This is a good way to nerf cavalry.
    68. Added Stanger’s map change, which removed outlines on Quick view map. This allows a better view of provinces owned by which faction.
    69. Increased Cost of certain buildings: Palaces, Entertainment, Mines, Roads, walls, docks, have been increased to balance money concerns with the extra provinces.
    70. Added 1 Experience to army barracks, 2 for Imperial barracks. Foundry is left alone since some other buildings don’t really upgrade some faction only others. So the Middle foundry is needed to build the next one, but no bonuses until the last building.
    71. Added Mount Changes to chariots to increase Strength after Darth’s adjustments.
    72. Added Darth’s tweaks to attack speeds, Units will now attack faster and more realistic. Hit effectiveness reduce to make sure battles don’t end too early because of Increase attacks.
    73. Adjusted Build time of Imperial Palace to 20 turns, and added Great forum needed to built first. This should slow the Marius reforms by Many years. Though people may wish it to come sooner, for the better units. Lol

    5)Sto pensando di raggruppare tutti i mod scaricati da internet da me provati,cambiati e implementati nel gioco,in una mod italiana;ma prima di farlo voglio attendere l´uscita dell´europa barbarorum mod (,in modo da poter vedere quanto di buono c´e´anche in questo.Inoltre mi manca la base della versione italiana...voglio dire codici,files sonori,text,ecc. Ma forse a questo potra´provvedere uno di voi a suo tempo.Vedremo...[SM=g27818]

    Spero che finalmente abbiate afferrato e di essere stato abbastanza chiaro[SM=g27812][SM=x535713]

    In ogni caso ciao a[SM=x535718]tutti

    Non devi stupirti se anche noi abbiamo limiti Umani[SM=x535719]
    Lui chiedeva a mè di cosa si trattava ed io non avevo capito.
    Post: 103
    Registrato il: 08/11/2004
    Città: PARMA
    Età: 47
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 10/01/2005 11:51
    Re: Re: Re:

    Scritto da: LunaRossa Vinsitor 09/01/2005 20.03

    Scusa la stai testando, la vuoi pubblicare, ma non sai cos'è? [SM=x535702]
    Scherzo ma da tutto questo discorso non ci ho capito granchè [SM=x535682]

    Pensavo ti rivolgessi a qualcun'altro[SM=x535719]
    Si ho un mio piccolo Mod, a mè piace parecchio e lo stò testando giocandoci (adesso molto poco sai il "lavoro"[SM=x535696] )
    Se pubblico qualcosa voglio essere sicuro che non crei crash vari[SM=x535714]
    Comunque saresti ovviamente il 1° a saperlo[SM=g27828]
    LunaRossa Vinsitor
    Post: 2.470
    Registrato il: 31/08/2004
    Sesso: Maschile

    00 10/01/2005 19:39
    Tnx [SM=x535705]
    Se hai dubbi sul bilanciamento o storici chiedi pure, non a me ovviamente [SM=x535692]