00 15/11/2004 09:48
Scusate per questo post, pensavo di aver trovato il file text per aumentare il tragitto percorribile dalle navi ma dopo varie prove mi sono accorto di aver cannato in pieno, comunque date un'occhiata a questo file, magari qualcuno riesce a tirar fuori qualcosa: il file è descr_ship nella cartella Data.

; This file contains the mount linkages; it gets parsed on application
; startup but is not otherwise referred to. The data format is thus:
; ; indicates a comment ;-)
; type indicates a new ship type, must be followed by id name string
; ship_type either flag, transport, war
; size size of the ship in metres (10-50)
; speed speed of the ship in kmph (1-20)
; power method of power (sail, oars)
; artillery artillery type (flame, rock) - this should refer to the engine_db eventually
; ram (yes, no)
; durability damage ship can take before sinking (0-20)
; armour armour value of ship (0-20)
; depth how much water it draws (in m), depth of water needed to operate
; beam height of the sides, (for boarding, firing archers ect)

type heavy warship
ship_type war
carrying_capacity 4
size 2000
speed 100
power sail
artillery rock
ram yes
durability 15
armour 15
depth 10
beam 20

type light warship
ship_type war
carrying_capacity 3
size 1500
speed 7
power sail
artillery flame
ram yes
durability 10
armour 10
depth 10
beam 20

type flagship
ship_type flag
carrying_capacity 6
size 2000
speed 100
power sail
artillery rock
ram yes
durability 15
armour 15
depth 10
beam 20

Sembra una piccola guida per creare nuove imbarcazioni ma nel file export_descr_unit le voci delle imbarcazioni sono totalmente diverse. [SM=x535682]